BC Feedback - Frequently Asked Questions?

Why doesn't the BC Feedback status screen show that I evaluated a course right after I submit it?

Your status screen updates every evening and should reflect your completed evaluations by the following business day.

How can I be sure that I won’t be penalized for my opinions and feedback?

Evaluations are completely anonymous. The only information connected to you is whether you have evaluated specific courses - not what you said in your evaluation. Also, faculty will not have access to the ratings until after the whole evaluation/grading period is over.

What happens after I evaluate ALL of my courses?

When will the raffle prizes be awarded?

Raffle prizes will be awarded within one month after the evaluation period.

How do I view the feedback information I and my peers have submitted?

BC Feedback Reports are available on the Academics Tab and also include many prior terms. Students who have completed 100% of their current term evaluations will have access to this term’s results soon after the evaluation period ends. Others will not have access to this term’s results until much later.

I evaluated the wrong professor. What should I do?

Please call 718-951-5383 for assistance. Since your feedback is anonymous, we will need to know the professor's name, the date/time submitted and a few keywords from your feedback in order to remove the evaluation.